Jury Process

Main Street Gallery Jury Process

If you are interested in being in the gallery please follow the guidline below.

Jury Process

1. Email five images or your website information to slfarabaugh@hotmail.com.

2. List two juried shows you have participated in.

3. Include your biography.

4. Artwork will be judged using the following criteria: uniqueness/originality, professional quality (neatness and craft), aesthetic quality (design, composition, and color/tones), concept, selection and application of materials and complexity/level of digital technology used.

5. We reserve the right to reject any artwork not deemed appropriate to display in the gallery.

6. If accepted, there is a $15 per month gallery expense fee.

7. Mainstreet Gallery takes a 30% commission on each sale.

*Suggested websites to find local and national juried art shows: OnLineJuriedShows.com, CaFE management (Call For Entry). 

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